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XML Tidy (XML Data Fixer) 0.1 beta

XML Tidy (XML Data Fixer) 0.1 beta

XML Tidy (XML Data Fixer) Publisher's Description

This package is a platform-independent highly efficient XML Data validation and correction tool that can be used in many ways as a standalone application or as part of simple and complex XML-driven applications. As more and more of those applications are developed, many do not have any infrastructure in place to check the validity of (and much less correct) potentially corrupted XML Data coming from various sources, may they be syndicated editorial content or user-specific data based on input from web forms. Such corrupted XML data often manifests itself by unescaped "reserved" xml characters like "ampersands" and "angled-brackets" and is often generated by application developers not leveraging the DOM API to create XML nodes. When such corrupted XML Data is saved to a file it could break an XML-driven application which does not know how to handle invalid XML data. This package can be used both on the command-line as a java executable or as a java component of another java application thru its API.

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